Woven Wings Live

Filling Our Cup Through Creative Connection (w/ Mark Augustine)

Season 3 Episode 9

Do you sometimes feel that life is too busy to tap into the regenerative power of your creativity? That you’re squeezed on too many sides to even know what that means or looks like? Or alternatively, when faced with an opportunity to engage your creativity, do you feel the paralyzing pressure and fear of that inner critic that tells you you’re not good enough?

We’re joined today by coach, father, and creative, Mark Augustine to jump into these questions and more. Mark reminds us that in the midst of busy, multi-faceted lives, the best thing we can do is keep it simple and recognize that we don’t need a lot of time for moments of creative flow that fill our cups. Beyond protecting small bursts of time for creative pursuits, the real secret sauce is to find the adventure in the mundane, recurring unknowns of our everyday lives.

From challenges at work, to engaging our kids in learning something they don’t initially care about, or even recording a podcast episode - like this one - without any preparation… his mantra is to be your best, and forget the rest, and by doing so, overcome the critical inner voices of fear and doubt that often get in the way of being our most vibrant selves. Mark implores us to get creative about what we can do to find fuel and fill our cups, regardless of what we’re faced with. And if you happen to find that your cup is already full, share what you have with someone else.

Tune in to this energizing, late night chat, and fill your cup with ideas on how to tap into your own sense of vibrant flow.

About Mark Augustine:
Husband, father, friend, coach, DJ, and host of The Relationship Experience (TRESHO9) podcast

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