Woven Wings Live

Facing Fear: Join Our New Mini-series!

Season 3 Episode 10

Join our new mini-series, where Gabe and Rahul open the door on the vast, ubiquitous topic of “fear”. In this introductory episode, we start to share our own relationship with fear, and tease the topics that we hope to explore in the coming episodes:

  • What is fear, and how does it manifest in our minds, bodies, and emotions?
  • How do we know when fear we’re feeling is legitimate vs. something to overcome?
  • How does fear affect us at many different layers: The way we relate to one another, the way we lead and work, the way we make decisions as individuals and as a society?
  • And finally, how do we build our capacities to cope with and coexist with fear?

Please join us in this new format, as we try to shed light on a complex topic in the hopes of finding greater vibrancy on the other side of our nascent fears.

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